27 Things to Do While You’re Social Distancing

I get it. We’re all social distancing, and you’re starting to get bored.

But being in quarantine doesn’t mean that you need to be bored. 

There are plenty of things that you can do to take advantage of this time.

Here are 27 things you can do when you’re bored at home while you’re social distancing:


1.     Learn a New Language

Everyone knows my obsession with France and Europe.

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There is no better time than during this self-isolation to kick my Duolingo studies for French into high gear.

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If you’ve ever wanted to learn a new language, now is the time to do it!


2.     Go Through Your Closet

You’ve got some clothes, shoes, that I’m sure you no longer wear anymore that would make someone else really happy. 

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Cleaning up your space is going to make you feel better during this time, too.


3.     Find a New At-Home-Workout You Like

Your gym is closed, but it doesn’t mean that the door for fitness is. 

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YouTube some Yoga, Pilates, or other at home workouts to do. Blogilates is my all-time favorite!


4.     Cook Something You Never Have Before

 I’m already a miniature connoisseur chef, but many… many of my friends are used to eating out at restaurants all of the time.

This is the perfect time to start forming new, healthy, more financially sustainable habits.

What the Internet is talking about. Right now.

So get cooking!

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5.     Delete Old Emails

You know those people who have, like, 2,591 emails in their inbox and never go through them?!

I am not one of those people, but for the love of the universe please take this time to clean those up!

P.S. – it’s going to allow your friends like me no longer have anxiety every time they see the scary numbers inside the red bubbles on your phone. 


6.     Practice & Play an Instrument

My poor piano and guitar, in all honestly, have been sitting in my music room for the better half of the year.

If you’ve been wanting to learn or practice an instrument lately, this is a chance for you to cover some ground and get a jump start on that learning curve.

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7.     Have a Movie Marathon

I haven’t watched the Divergent series in a quite a while…

… pop some popcorn, and allow yourself to be a couch potato during this time whenever you want to be. 

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 Just because we’re all at home, doesn’t mean that we don’t need to unwind. 

8.     Listen to a Podcast

So many of my favorite YouTubers have podcasts.

Many of them are creating podcasts about this time period. 

Listening to one might make you feel less alone.


9.     Cancel Your Subscriptions You No Longer Use

I was so annoyed at myself two days ago when I got an email that my Hulu subscription charged my credit card.

I haven’t used Hulu since, like… October.

Surely, you too have some things that you need to cancel – but life often sweeps you off your feet and it slips from your mind.

Take the time to cancel what you no longer use and save some money.


10.  Drink More Water

 If you’re sitting at home all day… there’s really no excuse.

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 Just chug it. 


11.  Establish a Good Skincare Routine

If you’re usually really bad at taking good care of your skin, this is the time to make changes. 

Find a cleanser, tone, and moisturizer that you really like. Experiment with what your skin responds and doesn’t respond to. 

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 Likely, you won’t have the time to observe what works best as well again.


12.  Run a Bath with a Glass of Wine

 You know you deserve this.

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13.  Focus on YouTube or Blogging

 If you have any type of social media outlet that you’ve been trying to get a following on for a while, this social distancing period is a great time to work on that.

We’re all alone, but we’re all alone together. Write or create something to remind people of that.


14.  Get in Touch with Old Friends

Some of those friends will surprise you and pick up the phone, and some won’t.

But you’ll never know if you don’t try.


15.  Plan a Future Trip

Just like heartbreak, it helps to have things to look forward to during hard times. 

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 Look into where you might want to travel to next: start pretend planning flights, dates, hotels, things you want to see, places you want to eat at… so that you have something to be excited for in the future. 


16.  Spend Time with Yourself

Now is a great time to check in with yourself, since you’re put on pause.

 Do you like what you’ve been doing?

Does your body feel good?

Are there any goals that you’ve been waiting to put in motion, but haven’t started?

Take this time to get to know what you really need and re-evaluate how your life’s been going.

That way, when we start back up again – you’ll be ready to face the world full speed ahead. 


17.  Do Something Nostalgic

About two weeks ago, my wonderful brothers brought to my attention that someone has recreated club penguin online.

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It felt so incredibly good to go backwards in time to when I was a kid, and when nothing mattered more to me than how many coins I had and what was my after school snack.

Playing ClubPenguin for the first time in a decade really helped ease my mind.

Playing ClubPenguin for the first time in a decade really helped ease my mind.

Do something nostalgic. If you’re anything like me, it’s going to help you ease the pain of this and frame your perspective to be simple as if you were a child again.


18.  Enjoy Nature

If you’re able to go on a hike or even for a just a stroll in your neighborhood, it’s worth it. 

How ironic it is, that as the world goes into hibernation – mother nature is waking up from a long, over-due sleep.

The Cherry Blossoms blooming on my suburban street near Washington, D.C.

The Cherry Blossoms blooming on my suburban street near Washington, D.C.

Get some vitamin D, breathe in the fresh air, and take note of the noticeably bluer skies.


19.  Wash Your Car

I wash, vacuumed, and detailed all four of the cars that are now, more often than not, parked in our driveway.

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It’ll feel nice to drive in a clean car when this is all done and over with.


20.  Read More

I’m not the biggest reader, but you know, books – they’re apparently really good for you, so you might as well have at it.

Who gifs from a pineapple under the sea?


21.  Make a Massive Donation

 Besides clothing, I’m sure you’ve been putting off doing some deep sorting in your house for a while now.

It’s the perfect time to declutter, and give things to someone else who may really need it.


22.  Ride Your Bike

 I’ve got an adorable bike in the garage, but I never find the time to ride it.

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Now’s our chance!


23.  Bake Something New

 Baking always brings me peace of mind. 

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With all this free time, there’s no excuse for not finally trying that recipe you’ve had bookmarked for the past two years. 


24.  Help Your Mom

 I, admittedly, had never cleaned a bathroom in my entire life.

 As I’m on the brink of graduating college and starting my own life, I’ve taken some of this time to learn how to do things like clean bathrooms.

I also volunteer to go to the grocery store or fill up a car with gas whenever it’s needed just to get out.

 Moms are tired enough. Here’s your chance to give them a break.


25.  Clean Out Your Makeup Drawer

You and I both know that those BB creams from summer of 2016 have got to go.

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26.  Just Be

As humans, we’re social creatures. This is truly a challenging time for many of us.

I mean, three weeks ago, I called one of my friends crying – not knowing what to do.

However, I have realized something… that yes, while everything is up in the air right now, and how known of us can plan or look too far into the future at this moment…

 … isn’t that kind of, in itself, wonderful? 

 We’re often designated to be machines that never stop, but you’re not a machine…

… you’re a human being.

So take this time to just be. 

When will there ever be a time like this again?

With any hope… never.


27.  Read All My Other Blog Posts

 I’d like to think that I’m pretty smart, and you know… I’ve low-key traveled the world.

 I’ve got some cool posts on my adventures across the globe and the lessons I’ve learned.

You’ve got no other excuse right now than to finally read something that I’ve written.

Want the latest? Click here for my most recent posts.

To read other posts like this, click here. 

To read about my Europe travels, click here.

To read about my Down Under travels, click here.

To read about my travel tips, click here.