A Day in Reykjavik

I’ve been to a lot of places around the world, but no doubt – one of the most precious spots on the planet is Reykjavik.

Rainbow Street in Reykjavik at night; December 2022

Unfortunately – it isn’t easy or cheap getting from Keflavik airport to Reykjavik. It costs around $60 USD for a roundtrip bus ticket, so it’s best to book them in advance if you can. For frame of reference, I landed at 10:45AM – and didn’t get to my hotel until around 1:20PM.

I went to Reykjavik in December: and here’s something I’d do differently – bring snow boots and warm or thermal socks. If you are prone to your extremities getting numb quickly in below freezing temperatures like me: it’s a necessity.

Sneakers with traction won’t cut it in the Winter in Iceland…

It had to be a rotation of going inside somewhere, and then braving the cold outside for photos. There’s isn’t a whole lot to do in Reykjavik: but here are my recommendations if you don’t have much time!

Hallgrímskirkja Church

View of Hallgrímskirkja Church in Reykjavik; December 2022

Not only is the church visually pleasing (I have never seen a church with this type of architecture before), but the views from the top are truly extraordinary.

View from the top of Hallgrímskirkja in Reykjavik; December 2022

With the colored roofs, mountains in the background, and lake in the distance – every snow dusted added to the magic.

Reykjavik is a truly special city!

The sun voyager

Sun voyager in Iceland; December 2022

After a break inside a cafe, I ventured back out to the Sun Voyager. The actual Sun Voyager itself is just a landmark, but the surrounding views… honestly, may have been on par with the views I’ve seen in New Zealand.

View from the Sun Voyager in Reykjavik; December 2022

Wander the streets

Reykjavik is a precious town. It has it’s own unique charm – and feels like something precious tucked away in a corner isolated from the rest of the world. Both to de-numb my feet and explore the little shops – I think dedicating some time to getting lost in Reykjavik is always a good idea.

The cute houses of Reykjavik.

Sunset in Reykjavik; December 2022.

Reykjavik at night during Christmas time; December 2022.

Rainbow road

In the midst of that wandering, I stumbled upon a cute area reminiscent of the Castro District in San Francisco.

Rainbow Road in Reykjavik; December 2022

Book a hotel with a good location

Since Reykjavik is so tiny and so cold during the winter – I reccomend booking a hotel that’s close to everything. I stayed at Hôtel Leifur Eiríksson which was just across the street from the main church. I even got lucky with my room – and had a perfect view!

View of Hallgrímskirkja in Reykjavik at night; December 2022

Lobby of Hôtel Leifur Eiríksson in Reykjavik; December 2022.

Want to see my time in Reykjavik in real time?

Watch my YouTube video below!

Read more about Iceland here.