The Best Things to Do in Basel
Like many other places that I’ve been to in Switzerland, there isn’t a whole lot to do in Basel…
Basel Central Station; May 2019
Exploring the streets of Basel; May 2019
Near Barfüsserplatz in Basel; May 2019
Discovering the German inspired architecture of Basel; May 2019
The “Notting Hill” of Basel; May 2019
Walking the bridge over the Rheine in Basel; May 2019
… but there sure are a handful of things to see.
Basel is a really cool cultural experience; I’ve found it to be the most cosmopolitan of the cities in Switzerland that I’ve been to – and I believe that a reason to why that is, is because Basel borders three different European Countries: France, Germany, and Switzerland.
Wondering what to do while you’re there?
Here are a few ideas:
1. Muensterplatz
I think this is the most beautiful plaza or square or whatever you want to call it that I’ve seen in Swizterland.
Their Rathaus, or the German words for Town Hall, is simply stunning.
Muensterplatz in Basel; May 2019
Really cute market to shop in the center, too.
2. Tinguely Brunnen
Yes, there’s a fountain beside it (‘brunnen’ in German translates to ‘fountain’ in English)
– but forget the fountain…
View of Offene Kirche Elisabethen in Basel; May 2019
… go there to check out this bad boy.
3. Dreiländereck
It’s a famous landmark where Germany, France, and Switzerland meet.
I didn’t do this, because I didn’t see a need to take the train 15-20 minutes to set each one of my limbs in each of the countries simultaneously (given I was already separately headed to all three on that trip).
4. Munster Cathedral
I originally came here to go the cathedral for a view of the Rheine, but it was a Sunday – and closed to the public for recreational use.
Munster Cathedral in Basel; May 2019
I ended up journaling with a magnificent view of the Rheine below me, and the sweet silence of Switzerland surrounding me.
View of the Rheine from Munster Cathedral in Basel; May 2019
5. Spalentor
A picturesque, medieval gate in an even more picturesque area.
Side view of Spalentor
6. Freie Strasse
An absolutely adorable street to walk down.
See it live in action, in my vlog below.
8. Hammering Man
It’s exactly what it is.
An arbitrary, metal man pretending to hammer a make-believe object in the air.
Hammering Man in Basel; May 2019
The steps at the Historical Museum of Basel make for the perfect place to people watch in Barfüsserplatz.
It’s the perfect place to journal and people watch – and in true Switzerland fashion, even though it’s a lively area… it’s somehow still quiet enough for you to hear all of your own thoughts as clear as day.
10. Basel Botanical Gardens
Writing in a garden in Switzerland is probably one of my all time favorite things to do in this world.
It seems like it’s just any other garden, but the German inspired houses surrounded it and the bright red flowers made it a disparate one to walk through.
Trying to be artsy in the Botanical Gardens of Basel in May 2019
11. View of the Rheine
If you walk to St. John’s park; you can walk alongside the Rheine all the way back to the city center and Muensterplatz to catch the tram back to where you need to go.
Walking alongside the Rheine near St. John’s Park in Basel; May 2019
I hope this gave you some ideas on what to do in Basel. If you’re looking for other things to do in Switzerland, click here.