I Deleted Instagram & Facebook Off My Phone… Here’s What Happened

It’s ironic, isn’t it?

I want to have a career that practically relies on social media to thrive, but I felt that I needed a massive break from it. 

Fun illustrated gifs that feature characters and odd little observations

Social media has allowed me to keep in touch with people around the world and to share my stories with said people… but a hefty part of it has caused me stress. Seeing pictures of other people and wondering why that part of your life isn’t as solid as theirs… the trivial, and mindless scrolling on Facebook… 

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… shouldn’t my boredom be put to better use? For instance – to learning French seeing as I want to move to Paris after graduating ASAP?

I did it cold turkey on the last night of August. I had done Snapchat cleanses in years past – so this time, it was Instagram and Facebook’s turn. 

I’m a tough cookie with a hell of a lot of will power, but when it comes to apps – I know that I’ll still open them when they’ve got that ever-so-tempting-red-bubble dwelling amongst them. 

I knew it was the right thing for me to straight up delete the apps. I didn’t look back; and set a 30-day clock for myself. 

 I ended up being ready to re-download things after 27 days (just shy of four, whole weeks), but nevertheless – over the course of 27 days, here’s what happened after I deleted Instagram and Facebook off of my phone.

Day 1:

 I was preoccupied with emotional aftermath this day… and then went to a family barbeque; didn’t notice at all for the first 24 hours.


Day 2:

Pretty pathetic; but I started to take notice on this day. I noticed when I woke up and looking through Instagram stories wasn’t the first thing I did.

I noticed whenever I wanted to look up a celebrity’s Instagram and stalk their photos. 

Though I was deprived of flawless-feed-scrolling – I did find myself with that extra time that I devoted to my French. 

I found myself binge-watching more T.V. shows in place of story-watching, but hey – I’d rather watch something specifically designed and handcrafted for viewership instead of arbitrary clips of other people’s lives (who I may not even know).

also noticed my phone battery wasn’t draining… at all. Could a lack of Instagram and Facebook notifications really be preserving its power?


Day 3:

 Tuesdays are my days off. I went to the gym and then took my iPhone screen to be replaced (it had splotches on it; even though I didn’t do anything to it all… c’est la vie). Again, I found it easier to focus on French for longer amounts of time; and I also spent more time watching T.V. 

I’m starting to realize how stupid it is for me to spend 20 minutes a day watching stories.

I’m also starting to realize if I really need it…

P.S. – I got the feeling today that 2021 is going to be the best year ever. I will report back in the future if that arbitrary premonition came true, or not :P


Day 4:

My alarm for class went off at 7:25 this morning. As usual, I hit snooze for eight minutes. Usually, after the first snooze, I open my phone and spend ten minutes on Instagram. Instead, I hopped into the shower, and had ten extra minutes to get ready this morning. 

 Those extra ten minutes came in handy when I was sitting in traffic on the beltway. Ah, the DMV and its incessant, ever growing population…

I had much more success in doing my homework today; I had no Instagram or Facebook on my phone to distract me. 


Day 5:

My laptop broke down last night at midnight... so not only am I social media less; but I’m laptop-less, too. Quite the stressful day, but I did get an hour of Duolingo and French podcasts in, and another stepping stone closer, so...


Day 6:

My laptop. In the shop: indefinitely. Scrummaging to complete assignments for school on other people’s laptops and figuring out how to work Google Docs when I’m a hardcore user of Word.

Oh, right… my phone: no social media… but honestly, on days like today where I had no to place to write and work in an organized manner… I was like, “social media who?”


Day 7:

Saturday’s are busy for me. I work out and then usually babysit at night.

I woke up feeling like crap today. I thought detoxes were supposed to rid you of all toxins?! 

 Hah, it seems that every year here in the DMV in early September the allergies get the best of me. ANYWAYS - did yoga today after enjoying a breakfast of avocado toast with homemade hot chocolate to ring in the cooler weather. And watched Friends. And went for a run. And went babysitting.

Didn’t notice the lack of social media as I wanted to sleep with any free time I had today.


Day 8:

 I’m missing my still-in-the-shop-laptop more than anything else, today.

 Though, I will admit– after watching “How to Survive a Breakup” on YouTube; there were many moments I was craving Instagram to share the too-relatable-lines to my story.


Day 9:

At 4:40 PM on the dot today, Apple called me and re-blessed me with the gift that is my laptop… judge me all you want, but being a writer + a college student without it is really hard.

I could live without the social media… I have been, I’m surviving it, obviously…

 … but my computer… that’s the love of my technological life. 

 I was very productive tonight; I uploaded my “Why I Wish I Lived in the 90s (Sometimes)” article.


Day 10:

 Another workout day. Tried to sell some books online to no avail. Cooked noodles with marinated tofu for dinner. Watched lots of Damon and Jo YouTube videos… 

… nuff said. 


Day 11: 

I’m embarking on a four-day-in-a-row babysitting epidemic starting today. Went to school, came home, did as much homework as possible – and then went babysitting.

 Not much time for social media today, anyways.


Day 12:

Another long day today. Gym, school, and babysitting.

I’m so tired as I type this on a couch that isn’t mine. I just realized it’s been twelve days… and I’m still alive without a scroll through Instagram stories every few hours.


Day 13:

School & another night of babysitting. Sat on the phone with my best friend and her brother for nearly two hours of my free time… and watched videos while babysitting.

Starting to get used to the idea of Instagram or Facebook not existing.


Day 14:

 I have an email from Facebook saying I’ve missed 99 notifications…


 … and I’ve only been off of it for two weeks.


Day 15:

I’m half way through… I admit, I miss posting my stories to Instagram because they’re a virtual diary for me; but I know I’ll make it through the next 15 days… and then probably binge upload all the things I would’ve posted.

God knows how many Facebook notifications are awaiting me by this point. 

It was a chill Sunday. Ate a burger, ate some cupcakes, watched the new live action version of Aladdin…

… alright, it was a very chill Sunday.


Day 16:

Today I got my “7 Reverse Culture Shocks You’ll Experience as an American” article done… alongside folding my laundry, washing my sheets, all of my homework in a timely manner, and watching more Friends than necessary.

And found a song that matches this sub-chapter of my life perfectly right now after watching Tall Girl on Netflix. 

I’m getting very used to not watching stories, but I still have the urge to post song lyrics or clips to my stories.


Day 17:

 Bumped my car into my own garage today. C’est la vie. Was planning on doing homework and watching Friends calmly after coming back from the gym… but then that happened. 

Most of my day was shot from that. Instead of scrolling through stories at the auto repair shop; I got in an extra 20 minutes of French.


Day 18:

Can’t believe I’m on my eighteenth day of being Instagram and Facebook free. Still don’t miss scrolling, but I do still have my moments where I miss posting. 

 Had to be on campus from 9AM till past 8PM today. Did my homework, drank a chai latte while reading Tolkein’s Beouwulf and snacking on trail mix. In between, I made conversation with an alumnus about spirituality and my dreams of someday (very soon – more like in a year, with certainty) moving to Paris, reading books in cafes, and making conversations with more strangers.

 We talked about the quality of life. How I’d rather make the 30.000 euros a year in Paris instead of the 80,000 dollars a year and stay in the United States.

I gave her my blog, alongside people at the career fair I was required to go to today (which didn’t offer many jobs abroad, so…)

Seems small, but I like knowing the people who are reading are the people who have conversed with me before and have gotten a taste of my vivacious personality in person.

Something we can’t do over Facebook or Instagram, that easily.

 I was exhausted by the time I got home today, to say the least.


Day 19:

 I am suffering from the worst DMV allergies… living in the DMV, what a struggle 82.74823% of the time, in general. 

 Gym. Poetry workshop. Really getting used to not being in social media… haven’t even used Snapchat this week.


Day 20:

 More school. More Babysitting. Spent the evening catching up on YouTube videos – no social media missing here tonight.


Day 21:

They say it takes 21 days to create a habit, but I think this one’s been pretty solid for a week. Did yoga, went for a run outside, and then literally spent the whole afternoon sleeping in attempts to compensate for my hectic week.


Day 22:

 Despite having school today, my whole day wasn’t shot. We’re doing poetry in Spanish class; and as a creative writing minor specializing in poetry – let’s just say, my homework wasn’t too hard. 

One of my professors provoked me to finally make a resume. I think it came out pretty good! Had to do that anyways for December when I can start applying to those writing jobs in Paris :)

 I was done with all that by 5. Did French for a solid hour. Watch lots of Friends. Called my best friend.

I’m honestly scared to let go of this productivity!


Day 23:

Honestly, today – all I did was go to the gym, eat, and sleep.


Day 24:

I wrote my article on heartbreak today. I think it came out really good. I had another ‘got all my homework done’ early afternoon today. 

 I… actually can’t imagine what my life was like before I went on this detox. I mean… how much time was I spending on Facebook and Instagram before I did this…?


Day 25:

 Another really chill afternoon after school. Not only did I do my French, but I practiced my piano for the first time in ages. It felt so good to play again! 


Day 26:

After my workout and baking these chocolate chip muffins (verdict: not the best, but not bad by any means!), I caved and re-downloaded Facebook to my phone…


Because I was sick and tired of the TEXT MESSAGES and EMAILS of notifications.


 I went on to clear all 100+ friend requests, event invites, and status reactions + updates.

 Immediately, I detested when the stories came up out of nowhere – I didn’t even click on them!

I almost threw my phone on the bed as if it were a spider out of fear as I said, 

“Ah! No! I didn’t miss this, I didn’t miss clicking through so many stories for no reason, ah, go away!”

I’m actually horrified to download Instagram… just because I re-downloaded Facebook to my phone today, does not mean I intend to go back to the mindless scrolling + story watching like I did before. 


Day 27: 

 Wow. Dang. I actually really liked my phone being so… notification-less, the past few weeks… every hour or so, Facebook is reminding me about something I don’t care about.

Still really scared to re-download Instagram… but in all honesty, today was the first day in four months that I finally felt like myself again: knowing my worth, how awesome I am, that nothing and no one is going to get in the way of the only two things I want:

1.    To write

2.    To live in Europe/Paris

So, I mean… maybe I am readier than I think I am… I feel like no one could touch me even if they wanted to, after this detox. 


Day 28:

 Last night, after I got home from babysitting, I re-downloaded Instagram.

It was something in the past week.

Being told I was wise beyond my years for my article on heartbreak, baking pumpkin spice muffins in my kitchen at 10:32 PM at night whilst blasting “Sue Me” by Sabrina Carpenter, my Spanish teacher explaining how the male ego is fragile and resorted to using me as an example of a confident girl who has no interest in their mind games…

… it was a combination of a lot of little things, where I realized, somewhere along the way: I finally swallowed the pills with my own advice.

A few more doses of time, and I’ll be just fine.

I posted a ‘September’ recap to my Instagram stories (which if you don’t follow me yet, what are you doing?!?). 

I almost started to scroll again like muscle memory; I was suddenly hyper-cognizant, thinking, “shiz, that is so bad for you.”

Okay. I was Instagram & Facebook free for four weeks. Here’s what I learned:

1.    Even if you’re not addicted to your phone (I average a mere one hour of screen time a day) like me, you’re still going to find yourself with more free time.

2.    I don’t really care about what other people are doing; even my close friends – if we’re really friends: you have my number, and you’re going to text me… better yet, you’re going to want to call me and talk to me, like a human being.

3.    There’s so much behind the flash that you don’t know. 

4.    I didn’t miss scrolling as much as I missed posting. I’m a cathartic person… information needs to be taken out of my brain instead of putting more in. 

 I know, it’s 2019. The odds that someone else reads this and is inspired to take the plunge are slim…

… but I’ll leave you with this archetypical-like-piece-of-advice:

You never know unless you don’t try. You will miss one hundred percent of the shots you don’t take.

 28 days ago, I was crying on my bedroom floor still lost, confused, and hurt… and today, I can’t believe that I was still wasting my tears over spilled milk.

I can’t believe how much I’ve missed myself. I forgot how much I liked the girl who bakes at 10:32PM at night blasting pop songs in her kitchen. I’m so excited to get to know the girl who doesn’t let anyone or anything get in her way, again.

Living inside my own mind for the past four weeks was so nice… ignorance is bliss, what you don’t know – can and will no longer hurt you…

… and all you’ll be forced to know, is what’s tangible around you. There’s a beauty in getting to create without the consequence of having to contemplate.

Deleting social media off of your phone, even for just a few weeks, just may remind you of that, too.

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