My First Time in the South of France!

Somehow, I’ve completely forgotten to document my last few weekend trips – and we’ve officially entered white-sky-season in Paris, so it’s the perfect time to reminisce on my first South of France getaway this past August.

Small south of France village early in the morning during summer; August 2022

I left on a Friday night, as the sun stays up so late in the summer in France – it’s easy to leave at 5pm and still get to where you’re going before the sunsets. It’s about a 3 hour hop from Paris to Avignon – the city where my dad’s cousin’s summer home is.

Poolside in the South of France!

I remember on the train ride down, feeling semblances of Italy – and simultaneously getting that “new travel feeling” of going somewhere I had never been before, which I hadn’t felt since Japan.

I was pleasantly surprised how mountainous the South of France was, once we started heading past Lyon…

The first night I arrived, I just enjoyed the air conditioning – something I don’t have in my Paris apartment! The next morning, we got up early to get fresh baguettes and have our breakfast with coffee, jam, and cheeses.

Jam, cheese, and coffee – classic French breakfast!

Fresh baguettes… heaven!

Then, we head off to a wonderful market – filled with everything you could imagine: lavender, fresh strawberries (the best I’ve ever tasted in my entire life!), truffle, special spreads, spices, garlic, sunglasses (which was perfect, because my other pair from HEMA broke – those things aren’t built to last…), clothes.. anything you could imagine.

Outdoor market on Quai de Verdan near Pernes-les-Fontaines; August 2022

I thought this was the most beautiful garlic I’ve ever seen in my entire life…

Lavender everywhere, as I was close to the Provence region!

It was so tempting to buy one of these plates, but I had just bought one in Seville.

After that, we took a lunch break in Pernes-les-Fontaines, and found lovely little place with outdoor seating perfect for enjoying summer.

Beautiful veggie salad at restaurant off of Rue de la Margelle in Pernes-les-Fontaines; August 2022

After this, we did some wondering – this was all in the same vicinity of the outdoor market.

Wondering around Pernes-les-Fontaines.

We hiked up some stairs for an awesome view, very reminiscent of San Marino in Italy!

The skinny trees in the south of France reminded me of Italy, which makes sense – as if you follow the coast of France to the east, you’re there!

Not a bad view, behind me!

Then, we headed back home to enjoy some pool and relaxation time. We made chocolate covered strawberries, I went for a swim (which I don’t think I had done since the Outer Banks 4 summers ago), and journaled with the soft South of France breeze whispering through my thin curls with hot pink flowers fluttering to my left.

Decadence defined.

Poolside journaling… not bad.

After a shower and a change of clothes, we drove to the city center of Avignon – and wandered around before sitting for dinner with a view of the Wall of Avignon.

We went home, after a full & beautiful day in the South of France – I was feeling pretty complete after that weekend.

Using my French Lavender & Honey mini travel lotion in the South of France was a good moment…

I headed back home to Paris the next morning, edited my South of France vlog after a relaxing weekend getaway.

Check out my South of France adventure in action below!

Looking for more things to do in France & Europe? Click here – I’ve been all over the continent!