The Stunning, Small Town in France: Your Guide to Strasbourg

It’s no secret that France is one of my favorite countries in the world…

… pssstt. You should go read up on my posts on Paris.

In all of my Europe trips, I had stayed away from smaller cities thinking I needed to be in a big one to blend in better because whenever I’m in Europe, I’m usually traveling solo.

The thing was… I kept seeing some stunning pictures of this town on the French German border. This Europe trip that I took just this past May, was my fifth (crazy, right?!) time abroad already in two years.

I figured I was ready for the challenge of being in a place a little off the tourist radar… so, I took the chance and booked a hotel and a train ticket to Strasbourg.

Boy… am I glad that I did.

I knew immediately upon arriving in Strasbourg that I was going to like it because it was something new; I had no idea what to expect.

I knew immediately upon arriving in Strasbourg that I was going to like it because it was something new; I had no idea what to expect.

This was one of the highlights of my past Europe trip. Walking through this playfully colored, charming, luminescent French town fed my soul in a multitude of ways.

Strasbourg, France in May 2019.

Strasbourg, France in May 2019.

 Wondering if you too should take the chance on an underrated town?

 Let’s see if I can convince you with all the things I saw and did. 

 Here’s a list of things you must do while you’re in Strasbourg:


1.     Buy a Baguette

 Okay, we already know that I’m obsessed with the freshly baked bread in Europe… but then bread in France… especially in this small, remote town where no one is going to speak a lick of English to you…

 … these are the kinds of places where food is bound to be the most authentic, and therefore: the best.

If you’re not consuming predominately carbs when you’re in France… then i’m sorry - but you’re doing France wrong!

If you’re not consuming predominately carbs when you’re in France… then i’m sorry - but you’re doing France wrong!

 I couldn’t stop smiling at how the baguettes from Carrefour (a chain grocery store in certain European countries) we still so warm like someone had just pulled them out of the oven, how they had the quintessential Ratatouille movie-crunch, and how when I ate them – they were proven to be fresh, because the flour would get all of my hands and sometimes, my camera.

Parisian and French natives will tell you to go to a real boulangerie (which means ‘bakery’ in French), but I honestly think it’s going to be good no matter where you get it from.

I don’t even care if you don’t like bread. It’s something you need to do. Just do it. You’ll (most likely) be thanking me later.

2.     Picnic at Le Petit France

I not only picked up a baguette from Carrefour, but I also grabbed a container of hummus and tabbouleh with the intent of having a picnic.

 As I walked into town… I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

 I thought at first I would sit for a cup of coffee here…

… but then realized that it was smarter to sit here.

Le Petit France in Strasbroug in May of 2019.

Le Petit France in Strasbroug in May of 2019.

 I honestly thought I had died and gone to heaven. It was like someone threw me into a Disney movie; and despite the fact that I’m a cynical happily-ever-after twenty-something year old… I didn’t mind it.

If you have to do one thing in Strasbourg, let it be this. 


3.     Explore the Streets

 There were some bakeries that I walked by, that when I inhaled the sweet smells of the baked bread and pastries effervescing into the air… my heart tingled at its core.

Wandering the cobblestone streets of Strasbourg; May 2019.

Wandering the cobblestone streets of Strasbourg; May 2019.

 If you’re like me, and you love to take pictures – this city is a dream come true.

I found this just by walking around… gives you a pretty good reason to get lost, doesn't it?

I found this just by walking around… gives you a pretty good reason to get lost, doesn't it?

 Be sure to leave some time solely for wandering while you’re in Strasbourg.


4.     See their Cathedral

… and lose your mind. I have seen dozens of cathedrals in Europe: in Rome, Prague, Dublin… but this is the most impressive one I have ever seen of all time.

It’s jarring how commanding it is. 

The Strasbourg Cathedral; May 2019.

The Strasbourg Cathedral; May 2019.

There’s a café just outside where you sit, have a cup of coffee, and try to convince yourself that this is real life.


5.     Take a River Cruise

 Besides Le Petit France, this should be your other top priority when in Strasbourg. It’s a hair expensive for my taste (there are no student discounts; and a ticket for one person is a little over €13), but I have no regrets.

Taken while on a river cruise in Strasbourg; May 2019.

Taken while on a river cruise in Strasbourg; May 2019.

 You get to see all of the city’s historical landmarks the easiest and most efficient way there is: on water.


I hope I convinced you to see this stunning, small town in France on your next Europe trip. If you’re looking for other things to do in France or Europe, click here.

 Words weren’t enough? Check out my Strasbourg Vlog!