Why Wellington Was My Favorite City in New Zealand 

Queenstown is like living in a painting. Driving the South Island is mind blowing. Christchurch is cute, and certainly has its moments. Auckland is really just another big city. 

But Wellington…

The view from Mount Victoria in Wellington, New Zealand.

The view from Mount Victoria in Wellington, New Zealand.

 … Wellington was something special.

 My dad and I weren’t prepared for much we were going to like this place. 

 Here a few reasons why, “the windiest city in the world” (yes, trust me – it is windier than Chicago) was my favorite:


1.     Say Hello to Miniature San Francisco!

 While I did spend five years living in the Bay Area and consider myself a free spirit: I’m not a native Californian… but my dad was born and raised in San Francisco, meaning – I’ve spent a great deal of time in that city.

Before I went to Lisbon, people were always telling me that it was like the California or San Francisco of Europe because of its hills…

… I didn’t see the resemblance.

However, in Wellington – it’s nearly uncanny.

Wellington is a hilly city with white houses residing on the water… much like San Francisco.

Wellington is a hilly city with white houses residing on the water… much like San Francisco.

 The city is on water, it’s hilly, it has cable cars… it’s like a cuter, smaller San Francisco… but prettier.


(Don’t tell my dad I said that!)


2.     It’s Surprisingly Beautiful

The flight from Christchurch to Wellington was just the beginning…

Flying into the North Island from Christchurch.

Flying into the North Island from Christchurch.

 The sunsets we saw were crazy gorgeous.

Watching the sunset in Wellington; January 2019.

Watching the sunset in Wellington; January 2019.

Some of the city’s architecture made me feel like I was in Europe, for two seconds. 


3.     The City Small, but Chock-full of Character

 The gardens scream personality…

Wellington Botanical Gardens; January 2019.

Wellington Botanical Gardens; January 2019.


 … and the glimpses of residential life on Mount Victoria show how this city likes to wear its heart on its sleeve. 

Just imagine having one of those little houses with that view to wake up to every morning!

Just imagine having one of those little houses with that view to wake up to every morning!

 P.S. their grocery stores had this unbelievably amazing chocolate that I have been dreaming about (and regretting buying more of) since. Someone who lives in Wellington, send me some…ASAP.

I ate some of the best chocolate of my life, in Wellington…

I ate some of the best chocolate of my life, in Wellington…

I hope this showed you why Wellington is worth a visit! If you’re looking for other things to do in New Zealand, click here.